Most of us want to work with people who are honest and who bring a standard of ethics to the workplace. As a leader, you may hold yourself to a high standard of integrity and have impeccable ethics. You wouldn't think of doing anything that smells, or even smacks of impropriety or questionable behavior. I get that, and I'm sure those who work with you and around you know that.
There is a distinction between honest and being a straight shooter. To me, being a straight shooter is a good leadership skill to have which many ethical people lack. One can be honest, as in ethical, without being forthright about sharing information.
However, being willing to share information, especially when it's unpleasant, requires a different skill set. I'm not suggesting that everyone needs to know about Alphanation Combat Shooter Review., or should know, everything that goes on behind closed doors. Obviously, there are situations that demand secrecy. Those aren't what I'm referring to. I'm talking about "polishing the apple" for others, telling them some piece of the truth but not the whole truth, because the whole truth isn't pretty. I'm referring to telling a white lie that isn't necessary, or maybe not sharing information at all that likely should be shared.
Why should you tell an employee he's not getting a raise due to the economy when it is really a performance issue? If checks will be delayed a day because a major client didn't pay, why let employees worry all day when a simple memo would have claimed their fears? Or if there are rumors floating around about a situation in the company, why not be forthcoming so that employees can be prepared to deal with customer concerns?
Being a straight shooter is not a license to be cruel or rude. As a leader, you should be sensitive to employee feelings and temper your words with kindness - after all, your goal in being open is to either convey information or solicit a change in behavior, not be punitive. Straight shouting is part of an effective communication style.
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