It is a recipe-by-recipe and step-by-step guidebook to help people transform their lives in only a month. Go through it for an effortless weight loss by just improving your sleep quality, pepping up your mood, increasing energy levels and your self-esteem. Follow some basic steps and you are near to breaking your unhealthy habits, regulate digestion, reduce cravings and strengthen the immune system. It also includes real-life success stories, an extensive list of frequently-asked questions and community resources to embark upon a journey towards food freedom.
It provides the groundbreaking scientific facts related to the diet that may prevent and reverse the causes behind disease-related deaths. The author examines top 15 reasons for premature deaths covering heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and more. He describes how making lifestyle and nutritional interventions can help Prostate 911 Review us avoid medicinal and surgical approaches to elad healthier lives. Did you know that hibiscus tea works better than hypertensive drugs in fighting high blood pressure. Drinking coffee can ward off liver diseases and breast can be avoided by consuming soy. The writer makes a checklist of 12 food items consumed everyday to evade deadly ailments.